Unarmed Security Guards (Temporary)
Unarmed security guards are provided for a temporary basis and are mostly utilized by construction companies and businesses that get busy during a certain time of year. These services can be provided anywhere from 1 day up to a year.
Unarmed Security (Long Term)
Looking for a long term solution to your security needs? An unarmed security guard can be provided for a longer term. This option would be best if you would like a security guard at your location(s) for more than a year or even permanently. We can provide your company with a security guard for a fixed amount of time on your location(s) each day, every other day or even a specific day of the week, whatever your company desires, we can create a schedule that works best for you.
Armed Security
Although an armed security guard is not for everyone, this may be a great option if you have high valued items that need a higher level of deterrence or even employee terminations. An armed security guard can also provide higher sense of security for your clients/guests and staff. An armed guard helps more to deter a potentially violent crime since most criminals prefer an easy target. Armed security guards will cost more than unarmed security guards. This option can be well worth it in the long run with providing that peace of mind knowing that your most valued assets are safe and protected.
Fire Watch
Fire Watch guard services are provided when you have a fire alarm system that is not operating. Your local fire department will let you know if and when you are required to have a fire watch guard on site. Keep in mind that a fire watch guard is only authorized to conduct fire watch duties. Although the fire watch guard will arrive in a shirt that says “security”, the guard cannot perform any other duties. Guards are advised that, if a crime occurs, the guard would be authorized to contact 9-1-1 but cannot intervene. Our company will provide the required patrol logs and email them to you and the fire department each morning. Terms for fire watch contracts are different from all others. We understand that fire watch services can be ended earlier or later than originally planned. You won’t get locked into a contract but instead be on a day by day basis and be able to cancel when needed.
Event Security
Do you have an event that will only last four hours or so such as a wedding, company picnic, special promotional event, etc (concerts and crowd control events excluded)? An event security guard maybe the best option for you. We can provide the security guards that are needed for your event and those security guards can assist with making sure only invited guests are in attendance and the overall safety and security of your personnel and/or guests.
Denver Security Guard License Training (*Training also good for Colorado Springs guard licensing requirements*)
Do you employ your own security guards that will work for you in the City of Denver or Colorado Springs and they need to take the 16 hour new guard or 8 hour renewal training? We are a certified trainer and can provide the classes needed to get the guard license or renew your guards expiring license. These security guard license trainings can be arranged around the hours that work best for you and your security guards. Training can be provided at a location of your choosing, or provided at one of our locations. Security guard license classes will need to be scheduled out, at least, 1 week (to include weekends) in advance. Security guard license class pricing will be sent to you upon request via email.